We are using Galloping The Globe for our geography curriculum this year. I also purchased Around the World Coloring Book at convention to go with each lesson.
If you are doing a geography lesson you can print off a passport as we did, I found one at Satori Smiles. I put our's together and I have my son cut out the same for each country / continent completed then have him write the name of the country and the dates next to it which we learned about the country.
The last few weeks we have been learning about China and Japan.
My son & I made fried rice (this was quite an accomplishment because I would have never dreamed it would have turned out edible) We used Around the World Cookbook for the receipe.
Then the boys eat the fried rice with chop sticks.
Books we used were:
Question & Answers China
Happy New Year, Minnie An Adventure in China
Welcome to China
Caroline Arnold's Animals - A Panda's World
Giant Panda's
You Wouldn't Want to Work on the Great Wall of China
We also learned about Panda's and made a cut and paste craft from First School.
On wax paper my son made a Puffer Fish using our colored glue.
We played a game of Fuku Warai which the Japanese children play on their New Year's. You blind fold and then you try to place the features of the face in the correct spot - closest to it wins (kind of like a pin on the donkey) I printed off the Fuku Warai HERE. I enlarged it by copying and pasting it into Word.
Then we made a carp fish craft.
Books we used:
The Beckoning Cat
Circus Day in Japan
Japan Things to Make Activities Facts
I also have a Geography print off that can be used with Geography lessons, you can print them off HERE or you can click on My Printables.
Homeschool Creations has a awesome assortment of geography print outs and links on her site, you can find them HERE and HERE.
Enchanted Learning has been very useful for these lessons too, they have craft suggestions and several printables!

That looks really fantastic! Thanks for sharing and for all the resources you linked to. I will be checking them out. :)