Monday, October 24, 2011


Today has been a total nightmare. It all started Friday evening, my 2 year old daughter was coughing during the night which continued Saturday but a dry cough, Saturday night she started with a fever which carried over to today, last night she started wheezing - I gave her a nebulizer treatment, didn't help that much so I called the after hours at the doctors and they made her an appointment for this morning. We went in they gave her back to back nebulizer treatments and a steroid then sent me to get an x-ray of her lungs and then I had to go back to the doctors. The x-ray showed that she has pneumonia and a partial collapsed lung from the wheezing. They admitted her to the hospital. There they gave her oxygen which she is still on, a nebulizer treatment and another steroid.

As a mom my heart breaks to see her lethargic, poked with IV's, needles, etc. I know it's for her own good but she doesn't. The hardest is that my husband is spending the night with her there because I have the 3 other children, one who gets up alot to nurse during the night plus she is asking for my husband. I do not want to sound prideful but I am her mom, don't most kids ask for mommy when they do not feel well? So I thought the best thing was for me to come home and go back tomorrow.

The doctor said she has to be off oxygen for 24 hours before she can come home. Please pray that God opens up her air passages and her breathing regulates, for the doctors to have wisdom and for my daughter to have peace and for her to come home quickly. Also that the rest of our family does not get sick, apparently it all began with a viral infection and spiraled into pneumonia.

I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. If you do not see alot of blog posts the next few days it's because I am with my little princess. Praise God that from this morning to when I left the hospital she was no longer lethargic and the doctor said her chest sounded much better.

Praise God!


  1. Praying, praying! xox I can't imagine the worry you are feeling - rest in God's goodness, he cares for you and is watching over your family right now. God Bless

  2. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Try to get some rest tonight, knowing she is in good hands.
    Keep us posted!

    ❤ Julie
    Little Literacy Learners

  3. oh my, I will be praying. So sorry your precious sweetie is going through this. I can't even imagine. May God surround you with His love and peace.

  4. Nicole,

    My prayers are with your beautiful little girl, and her worried parents right now!

    You must be so worried! Poor Mamma! Poor Baby!


    Try to rest tonight (THAT'S easier said than done!)

    God Bless you ALL!

  5. Sending positive thoughts for healing your way. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be home when your little one is hospitalized, but you are very needed there. Sending thoughts for peace your way, too.

  6. I will keep you all in my thoughts! I hope she starts doing well soon.

    a side note: My son always asks for Daddy when he is sick. Breaks my heart every time.

  7. Praying for her! My kids ask for daddy when they're sick too. Hard on mom's heart, but don't take it personally. Praying she's back to herself and home soon!

  8. I was blog hopping found you. I'll be praying for your little lady. Take care

  9. ohhh, praying for your sweet girl! (and for you, mama!)

    My kids are funny about when they want their Daddy....I wouldn't take it personally.


  10. Praying for you and your sweetie pie! My friend's little boy had pneumonia last week it is no fun at all. I will pray for some peace and rest!

  11. I'm so sorry that this happened, but I'm praying for your daughter now. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others! Hugs...

  12. You all are definitely in our prayers!


  13. Said a prayer as soon as I saw this!

  14. I hope your daughter gets better soon so that she can go home with you. Like the PP said, try to rest!

  15. Praying that God will heal your little girl! At least she is where they can help her and it's amazing how quickly they can get well when in the hospital. Try to get some rest so that you can be there for her tomorrow.

  16. Praying for your little princess. May God's loving arms surround her and the family and heal her little body.

  17. Praying! Please keep us posted if you can.

    God bless!

  18. I'll be praying for your daughter to get well. It's so hard when the little ones are sick.

  19. I will be thinking of you and your family.

  20. Nicole, I will absolutely be praying. I am so sorry! I went through similar situation with my 2 year old Joshua; he was hospitalized twice. It's so scary and so difficult to see them like that. You just want to wrap them in your arms and take all the hurt away and take them home. And she loves you so much, kids just go through phases.
    Many hugs and love and prayers to you, my sweet friend!

  21. Praying for you and your sweet girl! My son had surgery last month and wanted his daddy to stay overnight at the hospital with him too. Mommy hugs to you!

  22. I'll be praying for you. That sounds very scary!

  23. Ouch..that aches as mom! She is in my prayers!

  24. I'm praying for a quick recovery for your little girl.

  25. I'm prayed for your little girl. My 3yo had pneumonia earlier this year and come out just fine. I'm sure yours will also. My daughter usually cries for me when she's hurt, but when she's sick she always asks to cuddle with daddy. May God Bless you and protect your sweet girl.

  26. I'll pray for your little one. Our family went through the same thing last winter and it is heart wrenching. Nothing harder than leaving your little one at the hospital. The good news is that these little ones bounce back so quickly. Before you know it, she'll be jumping up and down on the hospital bed.

  27. I hope you find your daughter feeling better today! Nothing is worse than the helplessness you feel when your child is sick. I experienced the same type of situation when my son was an infant & hospitalized. May her recovery be quick!!

  28. Dear Lord,
    Please send your angels and Holy Spirit to surround this precious child and family as she heals. Please heal her quickly and give her Mommy peace and energy.
    Stephanie @ Shining Our Lights Preschool

  29. Awwwww! Prayers to her and u as well!

  30. Your little girl and your whole family are in my prayers.

  31. I hope she's doing better!

  32. I am so sorry to hear this! Many prayers and a quick recovery! Take care & god bless your little girl and your family!

  33. What a horrible thing for you all to have to go through. The good thing is, you got her to the doctor and they're taking good care of her. I hope she's back and good as new really soon!

  34. my prayers are with you & your daughter for a speedy recovery. How emotional - I know how hard it is to see them ill & not be able to make it better :( Thinking of you all

  35. Aww :( I'm so sorry, it had to be hard hearing her ask for Daddy - but thank God you have a man by your side who you can depend on like this. There are many, many wives and kids out there who do not have a man like this in their lives. ((hugs)) Mama... it sounds like this is almost over for all of you.

    Praise God!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.