Tuesday, October 11, 2011


My 2 year old daughter has really turned into a "little mommy" lately. She has just now really gotten into baby dolls. Aparently she watches me with her baby brother because I caught her doing this:

nursing her baby doll and then she make shifted a baby doll sling 

She left the baby in her "sling" while she ate dinner and she tried to "feed" the baby. In spite of what other's may think I think it's precious how God gives girls the maternal instict even at a young age.

 What's your Wordless Wednesday? Link up with Goober Grape & Monkey Man &; Mama to 4 Blessings every week and share your Wordless Wednesday! PLEASE do not link up your giveaways on this linky. You can add them every Saturday to my Super Saturday linky.

Did you hear about The One Stop Christmas Hop? You can read more about it  HERE, while your there feel free to join!


  1. How cute! My little girl loves babies and baby dolls, too!

  2. yeah - looking forward to seeing all that no one has to say on Wordless Wednesday! Thanks for getting us all together.
    and chk us out too at www.twinswithtots.blogspot.com

  3. Awww...that's adorable. They are indeed little sponges.

    Have a terrific WW. :)

  4. Reminds me a bit of my girls at that age. Cute shots. Happy WW!

  5. That is so cute, Nicole! funny but my daughter Emily has been carrying her baby doll around like that too! So sweet!

  6. Oh my goodness!! So sweet

  7. So sweet! I love seeing little girls copy their Mamas with their baby dolls. :)

  8. I love these pictures. I think it is so sweet. I don't have a sling so my girls don't wear there babies, but they do nurse them. I think it is the most precious thing.
    I have added your button to my Wordless Wednesday Link up page. For some reason I couldn't get the code to work right, so I added the image with the links underneath.

  9. That is so sweet... I almost cried! So precious.

  10. Awwwww what a good little mommy!!!

  11. Aww what a precious picture! Happy WW!

  12. Great pics! Just too sweet! :-) Thanks for doing the link-up!

  13. La-La's Home DaycareOctober 11, 2011 at 10:08 PM

    Awe...that is too cute!

  14. That is so cute! I breastfed both of my babies. I find a connection with that.

  15. She is adorable! Thank you for sharing! I am blog hopping & following you from “the perfect line.” Pls follow back. Growing Old With Grace http://growing-old-with-grace.blogspot.com/

  16. So sweet!
    My daughter did this for a while. I nursed her till she was about 18 months and she would often try feeding her baby dolls. Very sweet.

  17. Cute! I love the baby sling idea! :-)

  18. LOVE it!! One day she just may be doing that as a mom herself!! :)

  19. It is innate in little girls just like noises are in little boys:)

  20. That is so sweet! I love the "sling" and the picture of her feeding the baby. It's so interesting how our children watch us and imitate what we do, even though we don't specifically teach them some things.

  21. So sweet! My little girl is all grown up now but I remember watching her play with her little dolls and it always just filled my heart with joy! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  22. how cute! I'm joining you from Fabulous Finds blog hop!

  23. That is so precious. When my little one was younger, I've caught my daughter "nursing" her baby countless number of times.

  24. They are so cute. I esp love how she's made a sling :)

  25. I just love this picture. This is how my two-year-old is with her babies. I know once her baby sister or brother gets here, she will be even more enamored.

  26. Love the pics! Adorable! My sister's daughter did the same thing. They don't miss a detail.

  27. That is just adorable.

  28. I love this! So adorable. I love how little girls want to do everything mama does. My 2 year old tries to do everything for her little sister and her babies. So cute.
    Over from www.emilyathome.com

  29. We had four boys and one girl and she was a tom boy, did not like dolls. Now she's grown, married and expecting in March! She will have a real doll to play with and I'm guessing she will love this one to pieces!

    Please vist me at www.nanahood.com and link up....I'm lonely over there!

  30. Too cute! Learning to baby wear early =)

  31. So cute! She is a good Mommy and very creative! I am a new follower coming over from BHSJW. This is my first WW post :)

  32. My toddler does this too! It's amazing what she learns from watching mom and dad :)

  33. So Sweet! I still remember feeding my baby dolls with those little bottles you tipped that made it look like it was being fed to the baby! Happy WW!

  34. Aww! She wants to be a little mommy :) :) I love it!!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.