Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Thank you for all the nice comments and prayers for my daughter. If you aren't familiar with what happened to please feel free to read about the post HERE.

The latest update is that she is off the oxygen. They are monitoring her, giving her nebulizer treatments every 4 hours along with steroids. She has a bacterial infection so they are treating her with that as well. Her breathing has gotten much better. They had me get her out of the hospital bed and have her walk around which made her cough more which loosened up her air passages.

We are praying that if she stays off the oxygen that she will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. At home we would still need to treat her with the nebulizer and antibiotics. Since she has pneumonia we will be home bound for awhile, keeping her away from people so that she does not get a relapse and her collapsed lung continues to heal.

If you could please continue to pray for healing, that she will be able to come home tomorrow (Wednesday) and that she stops being fearful for every doctor or nurse that walks in her room. I just pray from this nightmare to be over. Praise God for answering all the outpouring of prayers.


  1. Oh my goodness... I don't know what happened, but she will be in my prayers for sure!! And yes, Praise God she is getting better!

    I'm going to go over to your other post and read about it.

  2. I will keep praying, Nicole. I am glad she is starting to improve. Many hugs to both of you! I am so sorry! ((HUGS))

  3. Oh I did not know, I'm so sorry to hear. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.

  4. Sending lots of prayers to you and your sweet daughter! Hang in there.

  5. Prayers coming your way from the Washington DC area from 4 yr old Davis and his Mommy! Hope you are home soon with your own cozy pillow and squishies (stuffed animals/dolls).

  6. Poor thing! I had pneumonia when I was 4 and remember being in the hospital for several days...such a hard thing for such a little girl to go through!

  7. Poor little girlie! I'll keep praying. Praise the Lord for improvement though!

  8. Said another prayer this morning! Hopefully you will be headed home soon.

  9. I thought about you and your family last night and prayed for you all. Hope she gets better soon!

  10. I'm praying! Poor thing, it is so sad when kids are sick. I hope she can get out of the hospital tomorrow and heal quickly!

  11. Just read your original post and just wanted to say I will be praying for you, your family and your little princess to be able to come home today.

    Clydia {}

  12. AWWW, Keeping her in prayer! We just had to go through a similar experience with my older son (21 months) who had Mono and Tonsillitis. It's so heartbreaking to see little ones sick. Prayers being sent for you guys too, ti can be stressful on the parents as well.

  13. Many prayers coming your way! Hang in there.

  14. Poor baby! 6 weeks ago my almost 2-month-old babe was in hospital for 3 nights on IV antibiotics. It's no fun, I know. This will all come to a good end soon :)

  15. Oh my dear friend... (i'm catching up on blog visits and post reads ...I was away in Paris, France)as someone who had collapsed lungs; was traked and on a ventilator for 6 plus weeks~ i cannot imagine that on a small child. Your little is stronger than you think; she WILL pull through and she will be home with her loving and caring family sooner than you think!!

    I went back and read the original post. Even in her young years, she probably knew you had to be home to nurse the little baby ... so she asked for daddy... children are much more smarter than we give them credit for.

    keeping her and your family in my thoughts and prayers.. many blessings ..xo HHL


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.