Sunday, October 23, 2011


I love when something comes our way to learn, for instance, we went to the museum Friday with some friends and on the way out walking back to our car we spotted a pile of bones and fur. So we decided to figure out what it was and what happened.

Was it a bird that fell out of the tree right next to it?

After closer look at it we decided no it wasn't, birds do not have fur and teeth . Was it a rat, mouse?

We conlcuded that it must of been owl pellet.


  1. That is so awesome you got to see this! So few people do. I once went to visit my ex husband in Vermont & as I was pulling out of his driveway, in the middle of nowhere, I looked up & spotted a giant barn owl in a tree. It was so beautiful. I love large birds of prey.

  2. What a great find -- I have to order our owl pellets as we are not so lucky!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.