Tuesday, March 20, 2012


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Last week my mother in law came and visited us from New York. One of the things she really wanted to do is visit the beach - I don't blame her! I think us Floridians take it for granted. My boys were excited to go to the beach, I stayed home with the 2 little ones while my husband, his mom and our 2 older boys headed for the beach.

A few hours later my husband called and started asking me about how to treat jelly fish stings, all I could hear is my hysterical 6 year old in the background. As a mom and those motherly instincts kicked in and said, "hurry get my boy home"! Meanwhile time to figure out how to treat jellyfish wounds, so I searched the Internet! To my surprise it was simple, using one of my favorite products --- VINEGAR! Simply pour it over the wound!

I anxiously awaited for them to get home so I could see my son, I had my bulk vinegar bottle outside on the front entrance to our home so I could swing open the door and pour it on his arm. I prayed he wasn't stung by a box jelly fish which is poisonous - praise God he wasn't!

At 1st his arm was super swollen and had goose bump type skin. My husband said he had to pull the jellyfish off my son's arm.

My son said after pouring vinegar on the wound and taking a hot shower the pain was almost gone! Today a week later, you can still see the wound but it's much better.

Yeah 3 cheers for vinegar! Not only  is it great for cleaning (which I use frequently) but now I will keep a little in a bottle for the beach!

My husband and my mother in law went back to the same beach a few days later (my kids were with me at our Bible study) and my husband said there were alot more jelly fish that day! Glad my kids didn't go that day!


  1. Wow! Vinegar has a lot good uses. I will have to put this down as another remedy. Thanks for sharing!

  2. When we lived in Panama this used to happen to my kids more times than I can count! You know what else works? Urine. I know it sounds gross but it is AMAZING. My hubby had to do this a couple of times.

  3. WOw-that's terrible! My sisters and I used to get stung everytime (it seemed) we went to the beach here in Texas, but never anywhere else. My dad used credit cards to scrape out the stingers.

  4. That is one nasty wound! My little one got stung by a jellyfish last year when we were vacationing in Florida. The one that stung her was no bigger than a half dollar. She said she thought it was a bubble and she tried to pop it. Despite having many talks about jellyfish, and showing them to all the kids, it obviously did not sink in with our then 4 year old, until she got stung. Good to know about the vinegar.

  5. Ouch thankfully I have never had a jellyfish sting.

  6. I'm going to have to start carrying a small bottle of vinegar with me in my diaper bag. We frequent the beach a lot and I've always had a fear of getting stung.

  7. OUCH! That looks awful. Good information to have!

  8. It's terrible!! He is a brave little man.

  9. That looks like it hurt :( Glad to know how to make it better though!

  10. When I was 8 I got stung on the ankle by a jellyfish while on vacation in Gulf Shores, Alabama..Im 42 & still remember it! I was so sick we had to go home.

    I dont know where you live but in Gulf Shores Alabama they have a warning out about the jellyfish in the Gulf. They have warning flags flying.


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.