Thursday, July 5, 2012


Welcome to Mom's Quick Tips Thursdays! Each week I will either post or have a guest post have a Mom's Quick Tips to share with you! As a mom to 4 (and trying for our 5th) life is busy. I am always looking for ways to make life easier whether it be doing something quicker, easier or thrifty!
He is a one of my Mom's Quick Tips this week!
We frequently travel on the weekends as a family utilizing our annual pass to a large Science museum a few hours away. We stay the night at our favorite hotel. The hotel is nice and clean but I still like to wipe things down because if you have children you know they touch everything! One of my hotel essentials is Press and Seal. We used to place toilet paper on the toilet seats in our room but my husband came up with a wonderful idea to wrap the toilet seat with the Press and Seal Wrap during our stay! It doesn't move or fall off and before we check out we take it off and throw it away. What are your hotel stay tips?
Fill out the form below and post it as a guest post!
Mama to 4 Blessings is accepting bloggers to guest post for either a one time basis or on a monthly basis for Mom's Quick Tips on Thursdays! If you are interested please fill out the following FORM.


  1. I had never thought of doing that. Awesomeness!

  2. I've heard people taking a spray disinfectant with them on hotel stays. I will NOT take a bath in a hotel!!

  3. Lately I am always disappointed in hotel cleanliness as of lately especially the bathroom. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I never would have thought about doing that. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Great tip!! Never even thought of that idea

  6. I never thought of it either - Great tip!

  7. What a smart idea! Honestly, I've never thought twice about hotel toilet seats. I always use a layer of protection at public restrooms, but never in a hotel. This has got me thinking!

  8. I usually take a spray bottle of Clorox Anywhere or some disinfecting wipes and wipe things down when we get there. I would have never thought to use Press & Seal.

  9. I would think if *anything*, it would be easier to just clean the toilet with some kind of disinfectant? We never even stay at nice hotels and I've never been concerned with anything like that. There are more germs on a doorknob.

  10. I use pressing and seal to cover the table or highchair before I let my little ones paint! It makes clean up a breeze!

  11. That is a great idea. I will have to tell my hubby. He is a germ freak. He'd love this tip.


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.