Thursday, August 9, 2012


The last few years I used workboxes to store my son's homeschool daily work but this year I decided to try something different. I got tired of the baby easily opening and closing our old workbox drawers plus it got so disorganized! We have now moved into our new work bins.

All 4 of my children has their own work bin. What I particularly like is that these bins hold hanging folders which I am able to store their weekly work and future work I have already copied and pulled. Instead of just laying their work in a drawer.

Every subject has a hanging folder, I also added a completed hanging folder, a quite time file folder with fun activities in it and a holiday folder. Each week my boys will be able to to whatever subject in their hanging folder and pull their work for the day. Four subjects and curriculum I will be using for both boys so the main books I have in my older son's work bin and copies etc. for my 5 year old will go in my 5 year old's bin. Everything is separate for each child.

workboxes, workbins, homeschool
 I prepared the 1st 5 weeks of our school, the future up and coming weeks are in a folder with the subject on it in the back of their work bins so that for the following week I move that week's work forward for them.

 The future work in their folders are paper clipped with a post it note for which lesson / week it's for.

To get them excited about their new work bins my husband suggested they decorate them so I pulled out a bunch of stickers for them to decorate the front of the boxes.

For my littler 3 year old I will but letter of the week activities and arts/crafts in her bin as well as Montessori activities for her and my 19 month baby.

How do you store your daily homeschooling work? Leave me a comment and add your link so I can come visit and see! 



  1. I love how organized you are. I could never homeschool for this very reason. I am so unorganized!!!!

  2. I am doing something similar with crates. For my daughter, I am putting folders in for each subject. I"m thinking of putting little tabs on each page for the day of the week.

  3. I can't tell, but do your workboxes have handles? I have been considering getting each of the kids something like this to put in their 7 weeks of daily work, textbooks, reading books, and supplies into. (We schedule 7 weeks on and 1 week off.) But I need something smallish and portable (with handles) so that we can bring in on the road with us if needed. Looks like a manageable system! How fun that the kids got to personalize them!

  4. This looks like a great system! I love that you added stickers.

  5. You look ready to go. And P.S. You have pretty handwriting!

  6. This looks great. It has to make it so much easier on you.

  7. Wonderful... well organized work bins. I love your ideas and actually did that when I was teaching years ago. If I were homeschooling I'd probably use this method again.

  8. i really need to get organized like this. school just started, maybe it's not too late! thanks for the ideas!

  9. Nice!! You are so well organized!! Your ideas as great!!

  10. so organized! what a great system you have going!

  11. I like it! This is great when homeschooling multiple kids. Since I only have two, I use a folder system. :-)

  12. Great idea! My son does workboxes and I don't think his work wouldn't fit in a file system yet, But this may be a perfect solution to keep his stuff organized as I plan. I even think I have a small file box that will work and I can keep on my desk.

  13. Wow! LOVE this idea- how organized! How do you do it?! And Montessori too? I hope to use this system next year- how much planning time to you give yourself- with or without littles around? Our littles are similar ages and amount (4 children, 5 thru 1, and baby on the way), but I have not figured when to do planning :-)


  14. That looks great. What a great organizational system!

  15. organized, im supposed to be getting organized for school! Fantastic ideas!!

  16. Interesting, the things are well organized and the colors made it really great.
    Ashley | Soccer News

  17. great review-- we use a system similar to this, and then the milk crates for the books, then the backpack when were on the move--art,music,etc. it really works well--I notice you have some of the same books we have also.

  18. What a Nice!!past for a school themes.

  19. I have used file boxes to store my son's curriculum worksheets and considered work boxes but we travel way too much. This is a great idea for making his current work portable as well. Thanks for sharing!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.