Wednesday, January 23, 2013


With our new addition due in April we will be a family of 7! With that I have decided to make a few adjustments. I have always considered myself very frugal and thankfully my husband is too, we are a great match! 

Here are some ways how we stretch our dollar on your Grocery Bill:

First and foremost couponing. When I go grocery shopping my goal is to always try to save more then I spent, at times I am successful while other times I am not. We have 2 newspapers delivered to our home every Sunday just for the coupons. If I am looking for more coupons I will take a walk and look in my neighborhood and look through the recycle bins. Mostly I do my research before heading to the grocery store. I head over to Southern Savers where she lies everything out on what is on sale and even where you can print the coupons from on-line.

I try not to take the kids with me when I shop because I tend to spend a bit more when they come with me.

I suggest going when you are not hungry and make a list of what you need and try to stick to it.

Keep your coupons in a binder or some type of organization organizer and leave them in your car because you never know when you will see a good deal! 

We do have a Coscto membership and certain things I do purchase there because food goes fast in our home. One of the things I have found cost effective is purchasing certain items in bulk which I have never purchased in bulk before like ketchup. I re-use my existing ketchup bottles and a funnel and refill the containers from a huge container.

This year I have decided to make some of the items we use frequently myself such as bread, breadcrumbs, orange juice cleaners, pancake mix, beauty products and baby products, cloth paper towels, laundry detergent, etc. I will post how to make some of these items soon with a tutorial.

 Take advantage of CVS and other stores with their rewards programs and money back but make sure you use them before they expire. You can stack them up with coupons for additional savings, somethings every for FREE! 

If you are a large family like ours we have 2 refrigerators with freezers.  One inside our home and one in our garage. I like to stock up when we see a good deal on cold / freezer items. 

Search your circulars for the best prices, some grocery stores price match and they even take competitor coupons which you can stack with a manufacturers coupon!

Instead of purchasing some of my grocery items at the typical grocery store I have been purchasing more of my fruits and breads at the farmer's markets. Even when the bread is buy one get one free it is like $4.29 for 2 loaves while at the farmer's market its $3.00 for 2 loaves of bread and it's the same brand! 

We seldom eat out, it's nice on occasion but with 4 kids it can not just be a  hassle but it is expensive. So once in a while we will treat ourselves but it's an added expense that I cannot justify. When I think of how many groceries I could have purchased with that money verses one meal it makes me think twice about eating out. 

Making meals that are very inexpensive such as spaghetti or using brown rice or lots of vegetables as fillers, beans are another great filler! 

Don't get trapped into purchasing already made items, I know it's convenient but you are paying for it. Things like pre-packaged salad mixes, salad dressings, frozen pizzas, etc. Are easy to make so why purchase them already made?

If you have children pack some snacks and drinks if you are going to be on the go for awhile that way you do not stop at fast food places or restaurants and spend money.

You can check out my orange juice recipe HERE and my breadcrumbs recipe HERE.

Stay tuned on my DIY tutorials on how to make products yourself without breaking the bank!

Mama to 4 Blessings is sharing this post by linking it up at:

Thursday:The 36th AvenueShabby Creek CottageHouse of Hepworths
Enchanted Homeschooling MomLadybird In
Friday: delicate ConstructionCreate Craft LoveFlaunt it Friday,  The Shabby Nest, Blissful and Domestic, Happy Hour Projects
Saturday:  Cheerios and LattesCrafty Moms SharePolkadot Pretties


  1. I love these suggestions! I tried using coupons before but I was not very successful, I'm going to start again this weekend because I would really like to get our monthly grocery bill down to $400 a month :)

  2. What great suggestions. I know money is tight for a lot of people so this is great to know. Thank you!

  3. I love using coupons. These are some great ideas. I always struggle with having to take the kids to the store with me and I always buy more than what is on my list. :)

  4. I am always amazed at how much more I spend when I take my children the difference is very noticeable.

  5. We always use coupons, and I try and make a list before we go shopping, just so we don't buy items we don't need. This is a great post. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Nicole,
    I am always fascinated with your tips!
    You never fail to surprise me!

  7. Those are some good tips. We are a family of 6!

  8. I can't do coupons- I just don't have the time. Plus I can't ever find coupons for the products I like. BUT your right buying in bulk saves tons!!!

  9. I agree 1000% on the fact that you will spend more money if you take kids with you! Try treating your family out to eat on a Kids NIGHT. Tumbleweek and Applebees have kids eat FREE . 2 kids per adult. It's nice to treat every now an then!

  10. Great tips, I need to try the farmer's market.

  11. We go to Costco too; there we get chicken, cheese, toilet paper, detergent, etc. The rest we leave to Fred Meyers (which is the cheapest grocery store in our city). Coupons...well, I've been meaning to start but I have seen they are great $$ savers!

  12. Jessica Barnett - thank you - I didn't know that about Applebees! I know kids eat free @ Duffy's on Wednesday nights too, 1 kid per adult. Wednesdays we bad nights for us because we have Awana's. I will have to look into Applebees!

  13. We love Costco for certain items, and we shop once a month which spends a lot upfront, but in the long run saves money. It's so easy to grab products that are on sale when you stop for "just milk" and suddenly you have spent more than intended for things you really don't need. Also, I love that you get cash back from Costco every year. Definitely worth the executive membership if you are a family of six like we are!

  14. Those are fantastic tips! We use Sams Club, because we don't have a costco. I do like getting a lot there because buying in bulk is helping us save money.

    We also utilize Co-ops like Bountiful baskets. They put together a co-op of grocery buying. So for $15 you can get a big box full of that week's fruits and veggies. It's always different each week. But always valued far over the $15!! We use that often when we need fresh fruits and veggies.

    You can get other items from ti too, like some breads and every now and then they specials like discounts on an entire box of apples, or oranges, or salsa kits, etc. Definitely the way to go and save money versus the grocery store.

  15. Great tips!! I went from using coupons to thinking smarter and not working harder!!

  16. Great ideas! I have started making making my own facial cleaning products! NO more expensive products!!

  17. I do make my own breadcrumbs....I coupon, but have gotten lazier. I need to get on the ball!

  18. Thanks for sharing these great tips. Our grocery bill is our 3rd largest bill (after house payment and health insurance) and I've been trying to get it down the last couple months and is just expensive :-) every little bit helps!

    Thanks for linking up to Sharing Saturday

  19. Well I am glad that more of us are starting to make some of our own products like cleaning supplies etc. I usually do follow alot of your ideas already but like to so what ever I can to help save money and our planet Earth.There are to many chemicals in products that we dont need. Thanks for your article

  20. Some wonderful suggestions!! Congrats on your new addition coming soon! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.