Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It has taken me 4 years to get my 4 year old to stop sucking her thumb (she is now only down to sucking her thumb at bedtime). Just when I thought I was making progress I am now seeing that my new baby is sucking her thumb! I kind of figured she would be a thumb sucker because I have ultrasound pictures while I was pregnant with her with her thumb in her mouth. Sure enough over the last few days she has been sucking her thumb a lot!

It's cute now until they get older. So for now I will enjoy the cuteness!
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  1. Oh my goodness, how cute! Such a beautiful addition to the family!

  2. Awwww what a doll she is :)

  3. Sleeping babies are the best :)


  4. She is beautiful, and yes enjoy while shes little.

  5. Awww, what a sweet girl! None of mine were thumb suckers but my oldest was a hardcore binky baby. I, on the other hand, sucked my thumb until I was 5...lol!

  6. Awh ~ ~ so cute. Baby people are so cute especially when sleeping.

  7. Oh, the thumb sucking is sooooo cute!

  8. My mom said I came out with callouses on two of my fingers. It was a hard habit to break!

    My son sucked his thumb, but he only did it for a few months, and stopped. Maybe she will do that to. You never know.

    It is pretty cute. A self soothing device. At least you won't need a binki.

  9. What a sweetheart... they will get over the "thumb-sucking" thing.... just takes time. At least that has been my experience with mine.

  10. She is so adorable! It is cute when they are babies. I recently got my 5 year old to stop sucking his thumb.

  11. Aww such an adorable photo with the chubby cheeks! But yeah, hope she'll break the habit easily ;p

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  12. They are all cute at different ages.


  13. She looks so sweet sucking her thumb. None of my babies sucked their thumbs..so no need for weaning.

  14. Oh my geez. Too cute.

  15. Aww. Seriously adorable!!


  16. So sweet! My baby girl is a thumb sucker too, and I think it is adorable.

  17. Everything babies do is cute!

  18. Awhhh...how totally sweet and innocent, love these shots!

  19. Someone once told me, they don't go off to College sucking their thumbs, so just enjoy these moments while they last and let the worry go. I agree!


  20. Just adorable!!! Enjoy them as they are, time goes by so very fast.

    Happy WW.

  21. Such a CUTIE!! Princess Nagger was a thumb sucker - it took FOREVER for me to get her to stop. You're very lucky you got your 4 year old to stop at 4! PN will definitely need braces since she's pushed her front teeth out from all that thumb sucking. Maybe you'll have even better luck with the little one since her big sister will be a good example. ;)

  22. So adorable!!! My youngest is 10. I sure do miss having a baby to snuggle.

  23. Always a joy to meet another homeschoolin momma.

    Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some serious momma goodness.

    And I would be honored to have you come and splash some other moms as well (with this post or another momma fave) I jot some notes on Mondays. But its a link up whenever you can sort of thing, I get the filled to the brim momma schedules.

    Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.



  24. You are not alone! We are down to bedtime too. Ugh... I'm just going to enjoy your cuteness! lol

  25. hahahaha You had such a hard time with the first girly- what will you do now! Perhaps start now! Sorry- I have a thumb sucker too!

  26. Aw! It's funny how young it starts. It is super cute, though. :)

  27. Beautiful child.
    I'm glad my mummy wasn't blogger. Oh the things she might have said about me. I was born in 1846 and did far worse things than suck my thumb. ;-) . I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  28. Definitely so cute right now. One of my favorite photos of my middle son is with his thumb in his mouth . Now he will be 15 this summer they grow up so quick.

  29. Absolutely precious!

    Thanks for hosting the linky.

  30. Aw I have one binky kid and one that doesn't want anything - but I think thumb sucking LOOKS cute even if it is impossible to get them to stop.

  31. aww she is too cute! I was a thumb sucker for many years... past Kinder for bedtime. My oldest was a pacifier baby.. my youngest is not in love with the pacifier, but uses it. He does like his thumb, but mostly for chewing, not sucking.

  32. I never had thumb suckers...not sure why, but my kids didn't do it. She is so darn beautiful!! Thanks for hosting, and for linking up!


  33. My 2 oldest sucked their thumbs. The oldest stopped at age 12 the younger at 7. I personally loved it when they were small, a pacifier that never gets lost

  34. She is so sweet! I love little babies who suck their thumbs! I was a thumb sucker too for a VERY long time!

  35. She is so sweet! I love little babies who suck their thumbs! I was a thumb sucker too for a VERY long time!

  36. I love it when they are open hand thumb suckers. Hard to break later maybe but so cute now!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.