Wednesday, July 24, 2013


A little over six years from this Saturday my husband and I were expecting. What makes this baby so special? Let me tell you.

When our first son was about one year old I wanted another baby. I got pregnant with baby two. To make a long story short from the beginning I had several problems with the pregnancy. Eventually I lost the baby around 11 weeks. I was angry and I couldn't understand why God would allow that to happen. I know why now.
I had a D & C after losing the baby in August of 2006. A few months later I found out I was pregnant. I was skeptical that the baby would OK after experiencing the miscarriage. I went to my first prenatal appointment I was given a due date of August 2007. What makes it so amazing is that my due date was the SAME date as the day I had my D & C. It wasn't planned but I know that was God's way of telling me everything was going to be fine.
This baby, our son was born just a few days shy of my due date. He was a healthy baby boy. See I was filled with sorrow after losing that baby but God turned that sorrow into joy. Now on Saturday he will be 6 years old. As all my children are very special to me, each for their own reasons but this boy is special in a unique way.
If you know the story of Adam & Eve being banished from the Garden of Eden because of the sin that was committed. Adam & Eve had Cain and Abel but Cain being jealous of Cain he killed his brother. God drove Cain from the land because of what he did. I read this and my heart breaks for Eve as a mother losing a son, or should I say two sons because Cain was banished. I believe God saw her anguish and blessed them. She became pregnant with a baby boy and they named him Seth. Genesis 4:25 - And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth. I can relate somewhat to this story. I lost a baby (in a different way then Eve but I still lost a baby), God saw my anguish and HE blessed us with a boy. So fitting that my husband and I named him Seth.
 God had a plan and that plan was this boy. Sure he is a temperamental, loud, small in statue but he is a fun loving boy. I look back on my loss and sometimes cry but then I remember what God has done. And now years later He has abundantly blessed our family with 5 kids.
He loves Lego's and to build, he's handsome, smart, creative, fun, loves soccer (sports), silly, plays hard and them crashes and a good brother!

God is good. These 6 years has flown by but I am so thankful for God's plan and that plan included my son. I can't believe he will be 6 this Saturday! Happy birthday my sweet boy!


  1. There does seem to be a plan. It is hard not knowing the plan at times. Very touching story about your son!

  2. Happy Birthday to you handsome little boy! We share a birthday! I'll be a lot older than 6, but it's a good day to be born!

  3. It's so hard when things happen that we don't understand. What a special story about your son. And congratulations on your newest addition, Mama to 5 Blessings!

  4. What a great story. Happy Birth big guy!

  5. Happy Birthday, buddy!!! My oldest will be 6 next Saturday. Time sure does fly. :(

  6. Oh thank you for sharing will never know how much I needed to read this. God is good! Happy Birthday to your handsome son!

  7. Happy birthday Seth! 6 is a great age!

  8. Sweet story and happy birthday! :) You are very blessed!

  9. What a beautiful story, thanks for opening up and sharing it with us. Hope Seth has a fabulous birthday ;)

  10. Isn't it crazy how life works? I had a miscarriage before both of my children and always wonder "what if?" But after having two beautiful, healthy children I've started to ask that a lot less.

  11. Happy birthday little man! I remember when you lost the baby- hardest thing to see you go through that. I am glad we had each other through our losses. He is such a blessing :)

  12. This is so touching and beautiful. I too had a miscarriage before I got pregnant with 4.0. I know know it was in God's bigger plan but this can be very hard at the time. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story!

  13. This is crazy, but I'm pretty we were living almost parallel lives in '06-'07. I was just a month behind you. I had a miscarriage in Sept, got pregnant again in Dec, and had a baby boy that I also named Seth in Sept. I didn't come up with his name the same way. I just liked it. He's #3 of 5. He's a crazy redhead that tests my patience daily, but I'm glad he's mine. Thanks for sharing your story. Happy Birthday to your Seth!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.