Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Mama to 4 Blessings is now co-hosting Wordless Wednesdays with Goober Grape & Monkey Man!

OK, this is not so wordless, if I didn't explain I am sure I would get lots of comments asking questions :)
Our house butts up to a preserve area and when they HOA cleaned it all out about 6 months ago, cutting down the weeds, etc. I think we maybe a mouse that lived in our preserve found a home in our garage, at least my husband says so - I never saw a mouse & till this day still haven't seen it - praise God! Personally I do not think there is one in there but anyways. My husband stuck a sticky mouse trap in our garage with a potato chip on it (that's a man for you). I went in the garage on Friday & noticed the trap moved into the center of the garage floor, I thought maybe my husband was right - nope it was a  skink lizard stuck on there! My husband got the lizard off with vegetable oil (plus it took the stickiness off the lizard). The pictures speak for themselves. 

home free!

Thank you for stopping by and visiting our Wordless Wednesday! We have a busy homeschool week: Handwriting, Math, Spelling, Co-op, CBS and Spanish! Slow start on our Spanish teaching this year, maybe we need Spanish Tutor


  1. All I can say is WOW (and I'm glad I live in Minnesota where my garage is frozen inside right now....)

    Have a great day!


  2. I seriously just fell over. That is just scary as HECK. ::passes out from fear::

    Happy WW, partner ;)

  3. Yuck yuck yuck. So glad that here in the UK all I have to worry about are the occasional mouse.

  4. wow what a science lesson in the making

  5. your DH was nice to free it... we get lots of mice, being in the country sticks, LOL! we used to put traps, now DH puts out a container mice can go in & eat (poison for mice) and leave... less messy & normally do not see bodies!

  6. Yikes! Like your first commenter, I'm in Minnesota where we don't have creatures like that! Thanks for the linky!

  7. He is very cute ...much better than a mouse.
    happy ww thanks for linking up.

  8. As far as I know we don't have such big lizards here. My son would love them. Me, not so much. I'm glad he was saved though. :)

  9. Ha! That's so cool...and weird. When we lived in Hawaii, I *liked* it when we had geckos in the house because they ate the creepy crawly things. *shudder* Hawaii has some BIG creepy crawlies! I'll take a lizard ANY day!

  10. I am glad you were able to free the little lizard. When my daughter was little for some reason she called these skinks "Edwards" and that name has stuck and whenever we see them in the backyard we say -- there is Edward.

  11. You would have to pay me to touch that thing. My husband handles all the critters. We live in a city that is considered a wildlife refuge and have all sorts of random visitors. The worst is a water snake that comes each summer and eats the frogs out of our little fish pond. My 3 year old remembered is from last year and keeps asking when it will be back. I hope it forgets us this year!

  12. Oh my..glad you were able to set him free. Do you see them often? Im assuming they are harmless?

  13. Oh my! That just made my skin crawl. I'd have to move if I found that in my house.

  14. Ewwwwwwwww :-) Well - my nephew would love that!!

  15. Poor lizard! Guess he learned that potato chips aren't THAT tasty :)

  16. If I ever saw something like that I would squeal for sure. I think it's great that your hubby was gentle with him, though, and set him free. :)

  17. Awwww poor little skink. My brother and I used to love catching those growing up in Florida. :D

  18. better you than me. i don't think i'd have made any attempt to remove it from the trap. i don't do reptiles

  19. Nasty! It gives me the heebie jeebies just looking at it!

  20. That's a big lizard!

    I would have freaked out!

  21. I little long for a mouse ;)

  22. Icky Icky Icky! LOL!! Glad he was ok even if he is Icky!

  23. Nope don't like bugs or lizards!!! GROSS!

  24. Hi fellow homeschooler...
    we had co-op cancancelled due to weather this week..more time for History catch-up! whew

    Happy WW

  25. That would totally creap me out!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.