Monday, March 5, 2012

Costco 4X Pro-B Digestive Care Probiotic #Cbias #DigestiveCare

My family has been making some major adjustments in not just in our home due to my daughters asthma but we are making adjustments in what we put into our bodies. Even though we are trying to eat better eating more fruits and vegetables there are times were we may eat something that is not 100% best for us so that's where Probiotics come in.

Personally I now think after doing research that a Probiotic is good for the gut. Sickness can all be steamed from your gut. Research has shown that by taking a Probiotic is breaks down food into its most basic element, namely, hydrocarbons. This ensures complete absorption of nutrients ensuring increase in cell growth and development.  I give my children a daily a Probiotic to keep them healthy as well. So in adjusting our family to drink alot more smoothies with fruits and vegetables, trying to cut our processed foods, staying away from products with dyes and trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle is important. My husband and I need to be the example to our 4 children so in doing so we purchased the 4X Pro-B Digestive Care  from Costco.

Coscto just happens to be one of my favorite stores. Since we have a big family we shop there bi-weekly but I had never purchased anything on before, I found the experience a pleasure. I searched for Probotics and easily found the 4X Pro-B Digestive Care. I found that Costco's on-line web-site to be very friendly and easy to use. I was surprised! They provided very detailed information about the product.  The price was great which included shipping.

I have found that quite a few Probiotics on the market need to be refrigerated, I try to stay away from that because we are constantly are on the go and either I forget to put the Probotic back in the refrigerator or if we are traveling it doesn't do very well. The 4X Pro-B Digestive Care doesn't need to be refrigerated!

Then once my order was placed Coscto sent me a courtesy e-mail as a confirmation of my order and a estimated shipping date!

Another great product Costco sells on-line is the Vitamix which our family uses daily. We get alot of our nutrient's from making fruit and vegetable smoothies daily. This a great way to get your kids their daily requirements especially if they are picky eaters, you can even make smoothie Popsicles too!

4X Pro-B Digestive Care keeps the gut regular while keeping the good bacteria in. Eating well, excising and taking a Probotic will allow you to have a healthy lifestyle! 

Like Costco on Facebook Costco news and information! To see my Coscto Shopping experience to purchase the 4X Pro-B Digestive Care - pictures and my documentation on Google Shop .

Disclaimer: “This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. Opinions are my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Your post really makes me want to purchase that Vitamix! It looks great! I have dream of making fabulous shakes:)

  2. I love our vitamix too, my kids actually think it is great that I put spinach and other greens/veggies in their smoothies. They think it is fun to try to guess what I managed to get in it!

  3. I keep meaning to pick up some probiotics for the entire family and it keeps slipping my mind. Maybe I will remember this time :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. We are taking them too and they are fantastic! I see such a difference!

  5. Probiotics are so important - we get ours through yogurt but it's nice to know there are other alternatives...

  6. Great post! We use probiotics too; it definitely makes a difference.

  7. What an insightful post - thanks so much. I'm very interested in learning about probiotics and you've helped me appreciate the product more.

  8. I've been eyeing that vitamix forever, I can see how the probiotics is a whole system. Im forever bloated it's so annoying I really need to start taking something like this.

  9. I love probiotics! They are good for preventing yeast infections in women too!

  10. i totally need this in my life! i just now am starting to get in that mindset of a healthy way! (finally)...thanks for the review & recommendation!


  11. Thanks for posting, very informative!

  12. Good for you for trying to eat healthier!

  13. I use a probiotic every day. I can't seem to find the information on the package photos you used to see if this one would be strong enough for me or not. Probiotics are especially important when taking antibiotics in order to keep counteract the medication.

  14. I don't like yogurt at all, so this really appeals to me! I am interested in what you think a month from now.

  15. I have heard about probiotics and it's suppose health benefits but it is really costly here.

  16. Probiotics are great for you! I was giving them to my little one because they say it helps with colic!

  17. For some dairy products cant be used as they be be lactose intolerant, so using probiotics supplements is the best way to go. And did you known when taking a supplement:

    To take it prior to eating breakfast with a glass of pure water.

    Wait 10-15 minutes after taking it before you eat because stomach acid from your meal could impact some of the 'good' bacteria (you could lose 5-10%)

    Avoid taking it within 3 hours of taking any antibiotic
    Keep our systems on go.

    Stopping by from FB request to comment
    Oh! My Heartsie would love a visit :)

    Have a great weekend, Karren

  18. I love using probiotics every day. They keep my internal workings working just great! I have yet to try 4X Pro-B. It is a very reasonable price for a probiotic, too. When I need to get my new supply, I'll be off to Costco to get it. Thanks!
    Danielle S

  19. I also eat fermented foods to get my daily probiotics. My blender and food processor just went up in smoke these week so I am so tempted to get a vitamix!

  20. Probiotics I agree are hugely important in maintaining a healthy balance in our digestive system and colon. I really enjoyed this post and I too absolutely love love love costco.


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.