Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Do you coupon? How about using your coupons for the greater good, to help someone else less fortunate than you? I had the opportunity to do so participating in Champions For Kids The All You Campaign!

With my coupon binder in hand I headed to Walmart to purchase some food related items, mostly can goods and such using my coupons to be able to get the items at not only a great price BUT to be able to purchase more for someone else!

I purchased items that my family would use and enjoy trying to stay as healthy as possible. Alot of people of the misconception that just because you coupon means you are buying "junk" food but that's not the case. The All You Magazine offers a bunch of awesome coupons! This is one of my favorite magazines and is a huge resource where I get my coupons! There are healthy coupons out there! My family happens to eat quite a bit of brown rice and black beans so I decided to add these to my shopping cart.

I was able to purchase Chef Boyardee Whole Grain for less than .50 cents a can using my (2) .50 cents of coupons!

I was able to use my coupons for potato's, soups and canned vegetables! I was able to find everything I was looked for at Walmart using my coupons unlike my local grocery store which at times doesn't have the large selection that Walmart carries!

So how can you help with your coupons? Gather your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to participate in an All You Couponing For Good project! Use your couponing skills to find great deals on clothes, food, hygiene products, school supplies, books, and games for children. Pick up these extra items at a discount or buy-one-get-one-free. Give the items to an organization in your community that serves children (like a school, religious organization, or nonprofit).

So where are my couponing food items going? A friend of mine in my homeschool group and Bible study, mom of 5 children and in the process of adopting a child in Africa her husband lost his job. I wanted to help this generous family out. I know what's it's like to have a large family and live on one income, now their income is gone. A way to help is by providing some grocery related items to help them until they can get on their feet!  I have a Walmart Gift Card I will be adding to my packages so that they can purchase cold related items as well.

Who can you help today with your couponing skills?

Like Champion For Kids on Facebook and Twitter for ways to help in your community. To see my Walmart Shopping experience to purchase my items for Couponing please go to my Google + to see my shopping experience.

Disclaimer: “This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. Opinions are my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This is awesome! I have donated some of my coupon items too!

  2. Sooo awesome. I have a coupon binder too!! I love the idea of donating as well. Great article-thanks!


  3. That's great! I don't use coupons, but I am so impressed with your fancy binder! It is wonderful to see how you're giving back to others, too.

  4. Wow I can actually eat some of the food that you bought with your coupons. That almost never happens for me.

  5. I like All You because they have high value coupons. While I haven't been couponing as much lately, I use my ability to get stuff for free to donate items to my family members and to our local homeless shelter.

  6. how generous :) I love scoring good deals - I was able to send 7 boxes for the tornado relief in our area by using coupons!

  7. thats great that you are helping others, as much as coupning is great and i would love to learn how to do it better, it drives me crazy when you see people get a ton and then they never use it

  8. What a Great Great idea. Never thought of this before. I don't coupon much but I sure do get tons of advertisments and could put those to better use.


  9. That is pretty good - I always felt the couponing is very time consuming

  10. I wish I could find coupons for things that we would actually eat, then I would totally coupon!!!


  11. That's awesome! Thanks for the great idea!

  12. What an amazing idea! I think during spring break this week we will head to the store and purchase some items for our food bank.

  13. I never remember to take my coupons, but I do donate to our food bank regularly.

  14. Your friends will appreciate your gift! We too know what it's like to have a large family and lose our only source of income. Still recovering after four years.

  15. Love that your are helping your friends! Awesome coupon book, by the way.

  16. It was a nice change to see couponing highlighting good food. You gift looks wonderful, too.

  17. I love All You Magazine & it's so nice to see people helping others when they use coupons!

  18. So awesome that you're helping others!

  19. What an awesome way to give back! Even in this economy you can find a way to help other people out with a little couponing! Good for you!

  20. What an amazing idea! So nice to be helping your friends!

  21. Great way to spread the word on healthy eating and couponing we don't coupon much because we usually dont find healthier foods but now I might just keep an eye out for coupons for healthy foods.

    kevin :)
    thanks for sharing

  22. Thats so kind of you to help that family out =)

  23. It sounds like you were able to find some really great deals. I also think it is so wonderful that you are going to donate the extra food to someone in need.

  24. AWESOME way to help someone else! I need to get my coupon binder going again.

  25. That is awesome! You all seem like such a neat family

  26. Wgat a blessin! Love it when bloggers give back. God bless you for your heart


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.