Thursday, July 11, 2013


Gadgets on the go are they good or bad?

I admit it I like my smart phone and my tablet. Lately I find them to be a distraction though.
Cell phones are convenient yes but have we spiraled out of control? Until a few months ago I had a smart phone without the bells and whistles but after my phone gave me constant problems I upgraded to an more up to date phone. I find it a distraction though. I find myself on the Internet when I am not home. Do we really need to be on our cell phones when we are the park watching our kids or on it every free second we have? I think cell phones are great for emergencies or looking up directions when out or even taking pictures of my kids when I do not have my camera with me.

Then there is the issue of kids and cell phones. Just the other day our family was at the zoo and a child was climbing in a play area while playing on the phone! What happened to kids being kids? When I was a kid on long drives I either read a book or colored but now kids have phones in their hands - young kids too! Now I am not saying I do not let my kids play apps in my opinion it's all about moderation.
Now there is another issue, cell phone etiquette.
Have you been out to eat before and the person you where with was continually on their phone? I find this not very polite.  In my opinion I am there with you and I want to share dialog with you. Now there are times when you will need to be on the cell such as an emergency, etc.  My mother in law (who lives out of state) will not speak with my husband on his cell phone when he is shopping because she does not want other people to hear their conversation. I never thought of that. I admit it I am a culprit of having phone conversations on my phone while shopping. I never thought I could be possibly bothering others around me. Maybe I am maybe I am not. Plus do we really want others listening not our conversations? I have thought many of times people where speaking to me but they have been on their phones and I did not realize it.

I have come to the conclusion that I need to be more respectful. Cell phones offer great benefits. You can check the Internet, make phone calls, play on apps. Or even keep my kids busy when needed but I need to evaluate if I am being considerate to those around me. Do I need to be on the phone when I am with friends or family? There is nothing wrong with telling the caller that you are with company and you will call them back. Of coarse there are circumstances where you will need to take the phone call.

I am writing this because I am noticing how distracting cell phones are.

Here are cell pone tips that I find helpful
Can my phone conversation wait?
Do not text while driving
When in public and you on the phone use a respectful voice
Turn the cell phone off when at places like church, school, movies, etc.
When with company give them your attention not your phone.
Minimize your time on your phone and enjoy your time with your kids! A good friend said something to me recently, cherish my kids because as they grow you cannot get those past years back. So instead of e-mailing, instant chatting or texting when you are out with your kids cherish those moments and put the phone down.

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  1. My husband and I have the cell phone distraction discussion all the time. It is a rule in our home or anywhere we go while we are at the dinner table no cell phones or devices will be used. I've seen kids younger than mine with Iphones, its absolutely ridiculous. Sometimes, I think we'd be better off without them!

  2. lol wow isn't this the truth! My husband and I would both die without our phones. We are totally that couple out at dinner who is both too interested in our phones to talk to each other... sad i know...

  3. I believe they are both friend and foe. Friend when we are all busy doing things outside the home and foe when they are distraction while we're at home and someone is texting etc. We have rules thou that it helps.

  4. I think cell phones can be both a good or bad thing. It's really up to responsible use of the user!

  5. I agree that people need to learn etiquette. But I'm thankful for the devices that keep my children entertained during long car rides, long waits at the doctors office and more! We own 8 portable devices and it's seriously the best money we've ever spent.

  6. I am guilty of being on my phone all of the time. But my phone enables me to work from anywhere, and when you own your own business that's important. However, I do agree that there is no need for small children to have cell phones. I know Kindergarteners with iPhones!!! I don't know when my daughter will start asking for a phone, but I am sure it will be long before she actually gets one.

  7. Two biggest pet peeves: People texting & driving and people talking LOUDLY on their phone in public places....grrrr.

  8. Very good article! Other than uploading pics of my kids to FB/Instagram as I take them, I've really been trying to not be on my phone checking my work email, texting, or reading my FB newsfeed except when the kids are sleeping in the evening!

  9. Both my husband and I have an iPhone 5. I survived 3-4 months without a phone so I can deal with not using mine. That said I use it mostly to read. My husband, on the other hand, is on the phone constantly because he needs it for work.

    Kids with iPhones? I think it is absurd. What do they need it for?

  10. My husband is constantly on the phone with call from work. Finally we installed the "it can wait until after we've finished eating rule" so he can't talk on the phone while we are in a restaurant or eating dinner at home.

  11. So, as someone who worked in the telecommunications world for years...I still feel as though yes, they are distracting. My now 14 year old is glued to her phone. It's ridiculous! And don't even get me started on texting while driving. Fantastic post.

  12. Probably the one thing i do that used to annoy my friend but they go over it is when I instagram our meal or out an about. They know I have a blog and need to stay connected. That said, I dont read emails or text when I am friends.

  13. I think cell phones are both good and bad. Just in case of emergencies or when you need to get in contact with someone they are a lifesaver but sometimes they are bad with how much people are glued to them. I agree that no one should ever text when driving

  14. I have no problem with my cell phone as I never use it in the car unless I'm a passenger, only read the Internet when I'm a passenger in the car. I turn it off at 5pm at night, never answer it when I'm doing something else that is more important. I don't have young kids so that's not a problem. And my husband only has one person who really calls him and that's me! :)


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.