Monday, December 20, 2010


Today Squeekers had another doctor's appointment in follow up to his jaundice. Yesterday his levels dropped to 17. My husband called me a bit ago from the doctors and said his levels went back up to 18.9! WHAT!!!! I have been nursing him constantly and he has been on his Billirubin lights! He asked me what forumla would he be on if I had to choose - FORMULA - NO WAY!!!! WHY??? Isn't the best thing my breastmilk? I keep hearing from the doctor's that it will flush the high levels out of his system quickly - am I being selfish by not wanting to give him formula? It sickens me to give him formula, especially with the Similac scare not long ago. Now please do not send me anymore "hate" e-mails about my passion to nurse my baby.  The doctor said supplementing with formula will keep him out of the hospital, I don't want him in the hospital obviously, sometimes being a parent is SO hard. We want to best for our kids but sometimes what is the best?  I thought once the levels started to drop they continued to drop, why are they going back up? I just want to cry!!!!

**OK, so my husband got home from the doctor's - the dr. does NOT want me to nurse but to bottle feed him only with formula! As soon as my husband walked in the door carrying formula & told me the news I lost it . I told him no - I am not going to stop nursing him. So I called the lactation consultant from the hospital who agreed. The problem is that Squeekers wants to just sleep because that's what the jaundice does so when I nurse him he falls back asleep after a few moments. Since he is preterm his lungs are not fully developed so he is having more of a difficult time. Please pray that I can keep him awake so he nurses every 2 hours. I am supplementing a bottle a few times throughout the day but that's it - I refuse to stop nursing him! I hope after tomorrow's dr. appointment his levels have dropped tremedoulsy that he will NEVER have formula again! My husband made a good point that if he is hospitalized that he will not be nursed at all.  The rate he is going at he will have to be hospitalized so as much as formula sickens me as a mom I feel this is best. 

Please continue to pray for my new baby, I really appreciate it. I will update after tomorrow's appointment.
Thank you for the support & encouragement!

Nicole Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. I've been reading your site for a while from the tot school blog. I wanted to share a little of my experience with breastfeeding. I was set on exclusively breastfeeding my son but there were some complications and problems that led me to supplement with formula and pump. I pumped as much as possible for 6 months and then started to loose my milk. We switched to all formula at 6 months. My son is very healthy and I laugh because he is healthier then my friends babies who only breastfed. I was told by them that my son would be so sick all the time with ear infections, colds, strep ect because he didn't have the antibodies to keep the germs away. My son is barely ever sick now and is a wonderful growing boy.
    I prayed about switching and wondered if it was the right choice. I felt guilty for a long time but I have to remember that what happened was not my fault I did what was best for my son. Don't listen to anyone but yourself on your choice, you know what is best!

  2. It is not that unusual for babies to need more than our breast milk can provide. It isn't about right or wrong it is about giving your baby whatever he needs to be healthy regardless of what we had hoped to do.

  3. I would think since breastmilk is digested more easily and quickly, it would be preferable for flushing something out, plus the more you nurse, the greater your supply will be, giving him more of what he needs. But there are no easy answers. Good luck.

  4. I would feel the same way you do.
    Hears hoping you don't have to switch to formula and that his levels drop!

  5. hi there - i totally understand what you are going through. we had a similar situation and our little girl was even a bit jaundiced into her second month. at that point we decided it would be best to do formula for 24 hours (i wasnt supposed to breastfeed, but i still did a bit and i pumped as well). she hated the formula, but drank it and after 24 hours she was pink as a rose and not yellow anymore. i totally did not want to give her formula, but i am glad i did in that instance. perhaps a 24 hour formula stint will help without you having to feel terrible about giving her formula. the hardest part about being a parent is the guilt you feel. i feel guilty every time i give my daughter non-organic food, but i have to keep in mind that i am always doing my best for her and that is most important. you are a great mom, and that is why you are struggling with this so much. i wish you the best of luck and i know that however you proceed you are doing the best for your little one.

  6. My son had a lot of jaundice problems when he was in the NICU (born at 29 weeks). They told me that there is such a thing called breastmilk jaundice (or something like that) so they put him on formula for 24 hours to see if it made a difference. I was upset but didn't want to be the one causing the jaundice to stick around! It didn't make a difference and he went back to breastmilk. Just wanted to share that with you incase they keep recommending formula. That could be why. Hopefully the levels go down and stay down and these worries can be in the past soon :)

  7. I will certainly pray for your little one. I know how you feel, though. I remember hearing the awful news that my body wasn't producting enough milk for my seond wee one. I was so fortunate with my first baby to nurse her for 13-mos. But, I caved and give my 2nd and 3rd child formula around 4mos of age. It was a blessing to nurse them as long as I did, though. You won't hear any judgement calls from me and shame on anyone who would. People are so quick to throw stones, especially virtual stones. God bless!

  8. The same thing happened to my little guy as well. His levels kept bouncing up and down...higher and then lower, higher again, etc. And like I said in another comment, I HATED, ABHORRED, RESISTED and CRIED when I was offered the option of formula. BUT, it worked!

    If I could do it again, I would have given him formula sooner...poor little guy! :(

  9. Baby #1 Born in UK .. jaundice for 5 weeks... NEVER asked by docs to supplement... we used sunlight from the window and lots of breastfeeding .. this was Docs and Midwife advice ...

    Baby #2 ... Born in US .. jaundice ... great deal of scare tactics used, textbook terms (inc. brain damage thrown into the mix) ... refused to supplement with formula ... huge arguments with Docs (who also said it was IMPOSSIBLE for my child to have been jaundice for 5 weeks .. medical records soon made them quiet on that front) ... 1 week later the jaundice had decreased and I had a new Ped, that was willing to talk to me and discuss options ...

    I have two healthy girls! Listen to the Doctors, way up all the info and determine as the mother of the child what way to go ... I am praying for you!!!

  10. I totally agree - parenting is so hard! Keep praying and God will help you get through this! If you have to supplement, keep in mind there is always organic formula too. That is the route I had to take when I was forced to supplement. Hang in there!

  11. Praying for you guys. I know you don't need it, but here's my support of your decision to nurse: You Are AMAZING! Keep up the good work. ;-)

  12. I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles with jaundice. My second son only had a slight case, but even the mention of jaundice can be scary.

    If you are concerned about your milk supply, I just wanted to let you know that I used a natural remedy that I was able to find at our local health food store. I believe it was called nutritional yeast flakes. It was yellowish in color and had the consistancy of small dry flakes. It has a kind of cheesy flavor and does not taste the greatest, but I put it in yogurt and smoothies and even baked it into muffins! It was amazing how much it helped.

    If you have a health food store in your area, you may be able to call and find out more information about it. My store bought it in bulk and then measured it out and sold it in small amounts.

  13. Oh I'm so sorry. Both of my children were jaundice. My milk takes four days to come in, that's just how my body works. My son was born over Christmas so rather than send us home with doctors appointments they kept me in the hospital with him (ugh). On day three I remember they suggested formula and I BAWLED! So I totally understand, the poor doctor had clearly not ever seen such a reaction to the suggestion of formula and awkwardly waited for me to gather myself together. I asked him to give me 24 more hours and he did. The next morning my little man had gained an ounce and his levels were starting to drop. I did have to give him a few ounces of formula (and I cried every time), but after two more days I was able to nurse exclusively. A few ounces of formula doesn't mean giving up on breastfeeding at all, but I know it's so hard. I know how you feel. Praying.

  14. I'm sorry you are facing this decision Nicole! I will pray his levels drop and that you won't have to supplement! I wouldn't want to use formula either and I think you are being an excellent mom to do what is best for your baby.

  15. oh no!!! is there a homeopathic doctor close by or at least a really good health food store? I know there has got to be something that you can give him nutritionally in a supplement (but not formula, just vitamins!) that should help his immune system to kick it.

  16. Nicole,

    Hugs! I am a mom of 6 kids (my youngest is 2 mo.) Five out of the 6 had high bili levels at birth and for the first week. My 5th one was on a bili-blanket too. I felt the same way re: nursing. I know this is hard not to do, but don't stress (it messes w/ your milk supply). Cuddle with your little one and do a milk-in. (Stay in your bed all day and just nurse on-demand). I was going to email you, but couldn't find your contact button. Praying for you!


  17. Breastmilk is of course best, however he needs a greater volume of it then your body is producing right now. Which is why formula would keep him out of the hospital. I really recommend you take the advice of your Dr. Formula has kept many babies (including one of my own who almost certainly would died if I had insisted on exclusive breastmilk) alive and healthy and is not evil . No doubt you will be able to go back to exclusively breastfeeding him as soon as his bili levels drop. It might help to think of formula as medicinal rather then nutritional at this time.

  18. Sending love and prayers to you and your baby. My little one had jaundice terribly too. Hope his levels even out soon. Following you from

  19. I'm sorry, sweetie! This must be SOOO frustrating for you, especially when u r doing everything right! I think you just need to continue to pray and do what you feel is best for your baby. If you do wind up having to give him formula, just to get the count down, don't beat yourself up about it. I did it with Sam and shortly thereafter, he wouldn't take anything but breastmilk from the breast. Hang in there babe, I'm prayin' for you guys! Love ya!

  20. Have you researched natural treatments for infant jaundice?

    Be encouraged MAMA!
    Be encouraged MAMA!

    The Bible teaches that there is power in God's Word and in our wordS. (Prov. 18:21, Mat. 17:20)

    Quote Scripture over and to your baby:

    You are healed by the stripes of Jesus (Isa. 53:5)
    I command every organ in your body to function the way God intended (PS 139:14)
    I pray for your immune system to be strengthened in the name of Jesus (Ps. 119:28)
    Lord, You are the health of this baby's countenance (Ps. 43:5)
    Lord, You heal off of our dis eases including jaundice (Ps. 103:3)
    Let Your virtue (power) touch this baby and heal him (Luke 6:19)
    I have faith that You can AND I have faith that You WILL heal this baby in Jesus Name!

    Thank you LORD! You are awesome and this is the day that You have made!



  21. I'm so sorry you're going through this right now - I can't believe they want you to stop nursing! I wouldn't want to do that, either. I probably would supplement if they felt I had to but I don't know, if the problem is him not staying awake then it's got nothing to do with him not getting enough right? I'll be praying for wisdom for you, it's got to be a really tough decision. I hate formula too so I don't blame you at all. I'm sure you've tried this already but I was told to massage my baby's feet to keep her awake during nursing. She didn't have jaundice or anything but kept wanting to nurse to sleep so I did everything to keep her awake during nursing.

    Prayers and hugs!

  22. Hugs and prayers! My daughter was put in the hospital with jaundice and the doctor had me keep breastfeeding and under the lamp at all times.....I even breastfeed her under it.....the doctor was even the one that came in and positioned us both so I could feed her and have her under the lamp.

  23. Thanks for linking up!
    Nicole- YOU know what is best for your baby. But, it DOES NOT make you a bad Mama to give him formula! :) I know what you are going through, though. I went through this same decision with Mugsy and decided on the formula. I regret that I couldn't breast feed but I know I did what was best for my baby! She is smart and healthy and FINE!!
    You keep your baby healthy, Nicole. However you decide that you need to do it, it will be the right decision. I will be praying for you!
    I have a friend that has 9 kids and 8th one had to have formula. She had NO problems breastfeeding the other 8 but this one would NOT thrive on her breast milk. It just happens and PRAISE GOD that we have the technology now to nourish these babies. It might be inferior but it ends up OK. In the past, these babies didn't make it!
    All my love,

  24. While I definitely commend you that you want to continue nursing and your passion for nursing, it breaks my heart a little bit that it "sickens" you to give your baby formula. Formula is not poison - I was bottle fed, my husband was, my kids were (and I did try to nurse them, it just doesn't always work out).
    And if formula feeding is BEST for your baby, you need to ask yourself why you want to continue to nurse. You can bond with a baby when you bottle feed them, promise.

    I am praying that you don't need to continue to supplement because it would mean your babe is getting healthier!

  25. As someone that HAD to supplement can I make a friendly suggestion. I am only suggesting this because I know you are passionate about nursing, and I am supportive of that decision, and this suggestion worked for me. I am not trying to sway you either way, as I do feel feeding is a woman's choice. I can understand your frustration, as I was pretty much forced to formula feed for reasons I mentioned in a previous comment.
    Since you were already in contact with a lactation consultant, maybe you could ask her about a lactation aid. It is a little tube, and it goes from a bottle (or cup or whatever) of formula, to your nipple, so that while he nurses he also receives some formula from the tube. By using this you do not need to "bottle feed" at all, and he will still get the supplementation, and the benefits of breast milk as well. Once his levels come down, you can stop using the lactation aid. (and you don't need to worry about nipple confusion!)
    I am also a bit surprised that the doctor had not given you Vitamin D drops for him!
    Continuing to pray for your little guy.

  26. My son was 5lb 15oz when he was born...almost 27 years ago. And he was a week late. In those days the baby had to stay in the hospital for bili lights. And since I was sent home, he had bottles half of the time. The problem is he needs the fluids. Breastfeeding a sleepy (or lazy sucker as my son was) just isn't enough right now. They need the ease of a larger hole in the nipple so fluid flows with less effort on their part. So, unfortunately, you really have no choice as you have to get the bilirubin level down. You can nurse as much as possible but supplement for now with formula and/or water. When this crisis is over, go back to breastfeeding only. Best of luck and I am praying for a quick response.

  27. my oldest was jaundice and had to be under the lights and had to have formula for a week, but he nursed well after that.. and he would take a bottle - my other 2 refused to drink from a bottle- so the 'pumping ahead and leaving a bottle' thing didn't work for them.

    saying a prayer for your little one and peace for you.

  28. My cousin's doctor did the same thing with her 4th child, who had jaundice. She fought back and I ended up with her other 3 children while she went in overnight with Gabriel. They used the blue lights (not sure what they're called) and they forced him to nurse over and over again. Jaundice does make them sleepy, but you know what's best and trust yourself here. If you want to nurse, then by all means keep doing it. I dealt with a ton of flack from my hub's family when I nursed my girls because they all thought it was "gross". I just ignored them and kept on going because I knew it was best for my babies. Don't beat yourself up over giving him a bottle or two, ultimately we want him healthy. My little girl was a bit jaundiced and we kept her bassinet next to a window with the curtains drawn back so she got lots of sunlight. If you're worried about the cold, put a small space heater near him. Just keep trying, you can do it! It's incredibly hard to be a parent, but you've got experience on your side this time ;). I think the idea behind the formula feeding is that it uses less energy to do (bottles basically drip into their mouths), and he'll take in more because of that. Remember you can always pump your milk into a bottle to supplement too. Good luck!

  29. Praying for you and your baby.

  30. What a difficult time for you and your family. I'm praying!

    I'm also a new follower from Pray for me Monday at Home Grown Families.


  31. Bless your heart! This is such a trying time. Nursing always gets me bent out of shape in those early days. I want so badly for it to go well and then a doctor would mention formula and I would lose it. Just remember, it WILL NOT always be like this. Even if you take the doctors' advice, you aren't giving up nursing completely. Just do whatever the baby needs and pump like crazy and before you know it you will be back on track again. Lay your emotions at the feet of Christ and let Him guide and comfort you!

  32. Thank you for your comments, advice & concerns
    As of now the baby has only taken 1 newborn size bottle - I have nursed him the rest of the day leaving his Billirubin lights on & earlier putting him a bit in low sunlight. He has had BOTH poop & urine diapers each changing. Praying this is a really good thing that the blood cells are leaving his little body! :)
    Mama to 4 Blessings
    BTW I do not "hate" formula - I have NO intentions on formula feeding my baby once this is over with - it's just not for my family. I respect all that have made the decision to bottle feed, I am not judging you by any means. It's just my personal conviction for my baby to nurse.

  33. I'm praying for you! I had some of the same issues. We sat in the sunlight etc, etc. Mine was in NICU and she was given formula, first without my knowledge(isn't that ridiculous) and then a couple more times with my permission because I just wanted her out of the hospital and home. She got better and I nursed for 18 months! So don't feel defeated if you have to try formula just to get your baby past this. Hang in there!

  34. Aw, he's so precious! Sorry you're having this trouble. We will definitely keep him (and you) in our prayers!

  35. Breastmilk is ALL your baby needs. The problem is not the milk vs formula, it's keeping him awake. My son never nursed so we had to give him formula even though I tried to breast feed him. He was a Mag baby so he slept all the time too. I know it sounds mean, but we had to keep pinching and rubbing his feet to agitate him and keep him awake. Try moving him every couple of minutes from laying to sitting so he'll stay awake. Keep up the breastfeeding, and if you HAVE to give formula, make sure you pump so you can go back to breastfeeding when he is older. Good luck.

  36. Prayer said for you and your baby. My son had jaundice also and was hard to nurse. I also didn't know at the time that I had over active letdown and my poor baby was practically drowning every time he tried to nurse. Keep a wet washcloth nearby and as your baby starts to fall asleep, just touch his bare skin with the washcloth. Tickling baby's feet also helps keep them awake. Good luck!

  37. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. :(
    Please stop giving him bottles. I'm not saying don't give him formula - but start cup/syringe/SNS feeding and nix the bottles. A little formula right now, so long as you pump every single time you give him formula, might not seriously hurt your supply. But a baby who gets a preference for a bottle over breast could give you a serious glitch in your future of breastfeeding. PLEASE consider these other options!! They're not difficult at all.

    Also - FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. Any doctor that says you should quit breastfeeding altogether really sounds like a very, very bad doctor. I'm sorry, maybe you respect this guy, but no GOOD doctor in his right mind would tell you to stop breastfeeding a sick baby. While you're at it, contact another board certified lactation consultant that is NOT affiliated with the hospital. Some of the worse advice I have ever heard has come from the mouths of hospital LC's...

    Prayers are with you, Mama. Stay strong and keep that baby at the breast!!!

  38. So sorry you are going through this! Will be praying for you and your sweet baby!

    brandielam3 at gmail dot com

  39. Nicole,

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. Praying for you and your wee one!

    Cara (aka Temberton)

  40. It's a struggle I know.

    Good luck, I'll be praying for you!

  41. Please don't give up on nursing - Both my girls went into the hospital with jaundice and I nursed both in the hospital. I was even provided with a hospital-grade breast pump in the hospital. HTH.

  42. Hang in there! My daughter was born with ABO incompatablity jaundice her levels were obviuosly high on day one. The doctor put her on a bili light then. It was so bad her belly was green and we were on;y 2 points from transfusion levels before she turned around and we got to come home. She wouldn't eat either but when she did it was always my milk. I used the hospital breast pump to pump while she was there for a week and they did have to put a tube down to feed her a couple of times but they still used my milk. I also ALWAYS fed her with nothing but her diaper on and tickled her feet and didn't cuddle her while she ate, just kept trying to stimulate her to keep her awake while she ate. I agree that it is not that the MD wants formula but that he needs to stay awake to eat because pooping it out is the only way to clear in out in his system., My MD and Lactation consultant said that actually breast milk was the best thing for jaundice becasue it makes them poop more frequently to process it out. So just pester the time out of the little guy to keep him awake and make him eat!! Good luck and keep your chin up, someday you will look at him and say I rememberr when I couldn't get you to eat, you bottomless pit!! Praying for you both!

  43. My daughter also had jaundice & my Doctor never told me to supplement he just told me to make sure she got direct sunlight a couple of hours a day which is what I did. Thankfully this work and I didn't have to stop breastfeeding. Praying for you both!

  44. Praying for you and your family.

  45. Wow, I would also think that breastmilk is best. Why is it that they are recommending formula. I'm completely on your side and agree with you, mom ALWAYS knows best!!! As a mom who struggled with bf-ing and wasn't able to do it exclusively, I wouldn't give it up for one second! Praying God will bring healing to your family soon!


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.