Thursday, September 29, 2011


My boys recently started Little Contenders at a nearby church. It is basically like a Christ centered Boys Scouts. They teach basic boy skills along from a Biblical principle. They just completed their 1st 3 weeks of their 1st skill - mosaics

my preschooler's

my 1st graders

They leave all their accomplishments handing up in their classroom until the end of the year when they get them along with their awards for each completed accomplishment. The awards are pins and a sash for the pins to go on.

When the kids left for a potty break I snuck in and took pictures, this picture was so sweet - all their Bibles on the table for Bible drills.

After each child is there for 4 classes they get their Little Contenders handbook.

This week they have to pray for 7 days and I have to mark it off in their handbooks.

I am so glad God answered my prayer for this group - it's definitely been a blessing for my boys!


  1. Keepers and Contenders are such wonderful programs! I did the older girls Keepers of the Faith program when I was about 13 and I loved it!

    I'm so glad your boys have this opportunity!

  2. This sounds wonderful. I love that it is more faith based.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful program. One of the greatest blessings for a momma is to have a prayer answered for something her children need. So happy that you've had that experience.


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.