Wednesday, January 19, 2011


OK, Since Squeekers was born 5 weeks ago we really have been homebound. With 4 children that hasn't been easy not seeing our friends. Why have I chose to do this? Itt's cold & flu season & I didn't want to take the chance of a newborn getting sick. I have prayed over my children when we have gone out. I have taken so many precautions and yet Baby Cat got sick with a runny nose Sunday and coughing all day yesterday afternoon but waking up today & she is not sick anymore but now my precious new baby is sick!!! WHY? Poor helpless baby is all stuffy and sneezing with a runny nose he sounds like a little piglet making snorting noises. Now my 3 year old has it too! I realize God is in control but I ask why? Then I am quickly reminded how blessed I am that I have a healthy baby (other than a cold which will pass). God has convicted me how blessed I am but I still wonder why? We are so ready to see our friends and get back into our homeschool activities, etc. My 5 year old wants to see his buddies, my heart breaks! I know everything is for a season so here I try to be patient and wait on the Lord but still worry about a newborn with very little immune system. I pray he gets well QUICK and doesn't need to be hostpitalized if he doesn't get well, see how quick the enemy tries to play with our minds! Please pray for Squeekers to get well quick!

thank you

Nicole Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. Praying!
    I've been home all winter with a little one too. We really only venture out to go to church. One of my big frustrations there is that people touch him. I so don't want him to get sick. I found a neat sign online that says "Please wash your hands before touching mine". It's shaped like a stop sign and it really works - though it probably won't help with the bigger kids!
    You can find it at

  2. I know how you feel! I tried so hard to protect my baby (who's 2 now) from getting sick when he was a newborn and he still managed to at 3 weeks old! It's practically impossible to keep them completely away from germs when there's older siblings and visitors! Prayers for healing for your whole family.

  3. I hope everyone feels better soon.

  4. He'll be okay!! :) My 13-month-old has been sick so many times and he always amazes me with his strength. Thinking of you!!

  5. I know it's hard now to see your precious baby suffer in any way...even through stuffy noses, but just keep in mind how truly blessed you are to have such healthy kids. This will pass, and I truly hope it doesn't develop into anything else and that everyone gets well soon, but you are so blessed to have the health and the children that you do have.

  6. Oh dear! That is the most precious face.

    Thank you!


  7. Totally sending prayers (and some healthy thoughts) your way. Sweet babe! Darn germs!!! BTW- what an adorable little one...prayers!!!

  8. Praying everyone feels all better soon!

  9. Said a prayer for baby Squeekers, and your whole family.
    Love the pictures- he's adorable!

  10. It's so hard as a mom when our kids are sick. I feel blessed that Judebug has rarely been sick, but the times when he was were so hard.

  11. Such a cutie! I hope that precious bundle gets to feeling better.

    I'm hosting a hop tomorrow thru Sunday, Do You Realize your blessings? Link this post up. The linky goes active at 9pm eastern

  12. (((Nicole))) I pray little Squeakers - and the whole gang - will be well soon.

  13. Oh, I hope the little guy feels better soon. There is nothing worse than your tiny baby trying to breathe through all the gunk. Just watch him close and take good care, Momma, he'll be okay.

    Come by and visit us at The Executive Mom for a Thursday "Burnt Toast" recipe linky.

  14. he is adorable!
    and i hope he gets better soon.
    i know how hard it is for us to be sick i cant imagine what the baby is going through..
    i am almost 7 months pregnant and i have taken every precaution to not get sick and i am now trying to recover from a cough/cold/bronchitis for the 3rd time since i got pregnant. its miserable:(
    i guess no matter how much you wash your hands and try to stay away from getting sick it still gets you.

  15. Oh no, Nicole, I will absolutely be praying! I too am worried about my little Luke getting sick this season - I'm never paranoid about germs but this year I am. So I completely understand where you are at. Many hugs to you & prayers that your little guy gets better quickly & everyone stays healthy!

  16. Dearest Mother,
    You have out-birthed me by many, but know this piece of wisdom. Your baby is in a position well suited to allowing things, such as these types of bugs, to pass through his system, and will be healthier for it in the long-run. He has your precious milk, made just for him, milk that changes with the changes in his body. In this way, you lend to him your immune system, he is receiving all of the anti-bodies he needs and actually developing his immune system through this experience. We are made for this! And you are parenting in a wonderful way that allows nature to do it's thing! You are nursing him, you spend time with him close to your body, he is loved and supported, and everything will be okay!
    Babies and young ones who are exposed to different germies are enabled to build up strong immune systems to last them their lives!
    Take heart! Even the mightiest of Mothers cannot stop her little ones from coming into contact with illness.
    Much love to you and your family, and know that you are strong and everything is okay!
    -Sarah Christina


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.