Thursday, March 1, 2012


We have finished letter "C"!

Here are some of the things we did for our letter "C" week lesson:

We have been using All About Reading Pre-1 for learning ABC's and Rhyming. Here is a portion of the rhyming curriculum.

Writing the letter "C" is fairly easy so we just practiced writing the letter without our Handwriting Without Tears

We also did an experiment - Color Chaning Celery - all starting with the letter C!

Materials needed:
food coloring
clear glasses

Add food coloring in the water (juse a few drops)

 Place the celery in the colored water (make sure you cut off the bottom so it's nice and fresh)

Two days later the food coloring has moved to the topside of the celery stick! The longer you leave the celery stick in the water the more the top of the celery stick will be colored at the top!


  1. Love this idea! Love that it is Color Changing Celery! Great C words!

  2. How cute is this. My kids would love doing this. She is into color dying and this is educational too!

  3. We have done this before too and it's always fun. Looks like you are super involved with your kiddos! Thanks for sharing

  4. Very cool little experiment! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a great learning experience!

  6. Sounds like a great experience!

  7. so cool! I gotta do this when we have extra celery!

  8. Great activity, Nicole ... and the photos are awesome! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:


Nicole, the mama behind the Mama to 5 Blessings blog, is a mom to 5 children. Three boys: ages 8 years, 5 years, 2 years, a daughter 4 years and a new baby girl born April 19th 2013. She has been married to her husband Fritz for 11 years. Here at Mama to 5 Blessings you will find quite a variety of topics: recipes, crafts for moms and children, homeschooling, parenting, reviews and giveaways, thrifty tips and much more! Mama to 5 Blessings can also be found on Twitter @mamato3blessing, Facebook and Pinterest.